Notices -

Friday 12th of April, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
All 9Y 9A and 9K PHS
  Please hand in your camp forms to the Finance Office TODAY, if you forgot to do it yesterday. Any questions please ask your caregivers to email

All Danger: Tree Down HTN
  Please stay away from the tree (woodlot) that came down last night in the winds.

All International Buddies JWH
  Thank you to all students that have requested to be an International Buddy for next term. Could I please have any Year 12 boys interested in being a Buddy to please see Jules in International Office at Break 1 TODAY.

All International Photo JWH
  Your International Photo has arrived. If you have not already collected your photo from International Office, please see Jules at Break 1 or Beak 2 today :)

All Lost Property LBN
  If you have lost anything this term, please come and check with the Student Office. There are pencil cases, puffer jackets, sports gear, water bottles, hats and a whole lot more.
Please name all of your belongings - it makes it much easier to return them to you!

All Student ID Cards BTU
  If you would like to purchase a Student ID Card, please pay $10 at the Finance Centre.

General Regional Chess Competition Next Term HCL
  Waimea College is hosting the Nelson Regional Chess Power Tournament on 6th May which is Monday Wk2 next term. As we are the host school, we get a substantial discount so the cost is only $6 to enter rather than the usual $40. If you are interested or want more details, please contact Mr Holas-Clark in R3 asap!

Music & Performing Arts Mary Poppins - Baking & Karaoke Fundraiser TGI
  Happening today! Baking for sale outside the student office and Karaoke happening in the Hall - Break 2 TODAY!

Music & Performing Arts Mary Poppins - crew needed! TGI
  There will be a meeting in M4 Break 1 TODAY for all students interested in helping backstage with the set for Mary Poppins - this is for all students who have signed up, and for any other students who would like to join in the fun! See you all there :)

Sport Basketball Coaches Wanted THE
  We are on the hunt for basketball coaches for a couple of girls teams and some junior boys teams, if you are interested, please see Karla and Tara in the Sports Office.

Sport Diamonds, Emeralds & Fantails Netball Dresses THE
  Can those players in the 9Diamonds, 9Emeralds & 9Fantail Teams please collect uniforms from the Sports Office TODAY

  quick meeting break 1 TODAY R5 to sort training

Sport House touch KTW
  Sign up at the sports office this week. Games will be next term, week 1.