Notices -

Tuesday 21st of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
General Homework Club Computer Suite in Library Wed 22 May 1.20pm LBN
  Homework club is now on at Break 2 every Wednesday in the computer suite in the Library. Come along for some help or if you need a quiet place to study. Open to everyone.

Notices Staff
All Form Class Quiz week 3 CRU
  Some great results from last weeks' quiz. Shout out to Sheppard - every form class completed and handed in the quiz - meaning Sheppard is the winning House for the week and still leading for the term.

All Lost Property from camp with 9Y, 9A and 9K PHS
  If you found any items that don't belong to you once you got home, could you please return these to the Student Office. We are particularly looking for a raincoat and a thermal. There are a few pairs and singles of socks, a boot, a towel, a small plastic container, and the black trackpants which you can claim, also from the Student Office. Thanks Miss Phillips

General Cultural Games Club STT
  Haere mai koutou ki te Cultural Games Club!
Are you interested in learning or teaching games from different cultures across the world? Come along to meet the Culture Captains and International Leaders in J4 on Friday break 2 to have some fun!

General Kapa Haka Practice: Ngā Manu Kōrero STT
  Those attending Ngā Manu Kōrero (secondary schools speech competition) need to come to these practice times as well as the usual Monday lunch time.
• Tuesday lunch time (21st of May): In J4
• Wednesday, during form time and half way through period 1: In M3

General Yr 9 Class Ekiden runners CPD
  Can all Yr 9 core class Ekiden participants who are running on Friday please come to an important meeting in Gym 1 at break 1 on Wednesday morning.

Music & Performing Arts Jazz Band auditions Wednesday SMB
  A reminder to all those who attended the meeting last week.
Jazz Band auditions are happening this Wednesday 3:30 in M1.

Music & Performing Arts Mary Poppins - Fun Fact TGI
  The word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" was made popular by the film, but it's unclear if it was made up specifically for the film, or dates back to 1931 from Helen Herman, a student at Syracuse University.

Room Changes 100 Hospitality Column 4 WIN
  Meet at E6 P3 today and Thurs P2

Seniors Physical Education scholarship ALD
  Year 13 students interested in doing Health and Physical Education scholarship this year please meet in G8 at the start of lunchtime on Tuesday the 21st May. Any questions or apologies, see ALD.

Seniors University of Canterbury parent evening MDL
  University of Canterbury information evening 28 May 6pm Annesbrook Event Centre.

Seniors Waimea College Careers Expo Wed (Hall) MDL
  22 May Careers Expo in the Hall P1 and P2.
P1: Year 12 go to class then the hall. P2 : Year 13 open entry. Please make the most of the time to ask questions and collect information.
Break 1 Careers Expo open to all year levels.