Notices -

Monday 29th of July, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Music & Performing Arts Post Poppins event M4 Thu 1 Aug 3.30 SHP
  Reminder for all involved in Mary Poppins, there'll be a post Poppins event in M4 on TODAY after school, see Teams for more details, including the post show survey

Notices Staff
All Assembly HTN
  First assembly for Term 3. The split is: Period 2, Year 10 and 12. Period 3, Year 9,11 and 13. (you go to your period 3 class period 2!)
As usual you go to your class to get the roll taken and leave your bags there before coming to the hall.

All Guitar players HTN
  We are going to be singing Ko te Waipounamu at assembly on Wednesday. If you are keen to play the guitar to accompany us can you please see Ms Hitchman. Would be awesome if we had several players for each assembly :)

All Hoodies HTN
  A reminder a hoodie is not part of our uniform (even if worn underneath a jacket). Please leave the hoodie at home or put in your bag during the school day. If worn, staff have been asked to confiscate them and to pass on to SLT. Thank you those of you who are following the uniform guidelines. You are awesome :)

All Junior Leaders SHR
  No meeting today. Please make sure you have filled out the Form on Teams.

All Lost Property SPH
  A red and navy swim bag was lost on Thursday in R Block area, contains crocks. Please hand to the Student Office

All Lost property LBN
  Pandora bracelet was lost at school on Friday - it has very recognisable charms on it. If found, please return to the Student Office.

All Open Night Tour Guides CRU
  If you are keen to help out as a tour guide for the school Open Night on Monday 5 August, please sign up outside the student office. Questions to Ms Crump

General Experimentals TGI
  We're making lava lamps so bring a jar and see you Tuesday S2, Break 2