Notices -

Wednesday 25th of September, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
General ENVIRO GROUP R1 Thu 26 Sep 1.20 HNK
Mr Brien is in charge! PAINTING PLEASE!

Notices Staff
All Assembly HTN
  Assembly Split for Wednesday: Period 2: Year 10 and 12 and Period 3: Year 9, 11 and 13
Please make sure you go to ako class first to have the roll taken and leave your bags there. Please make sure you are quiet when others are speaking on stage. We will all be singing Tutira mai nga iwi after karakia at the start of assembly

All Hall Blacks SHR
  All available Hall Blacks to the Hall after Form Time please.

All Junior Dance HTN
  A reminder of times for the Dance in the school hall: Year 9 5.30pm - 7.00pm. Year 10 7.30-9.00pm. Please make sure you have arranged with your caregivers to be picked up from school either at 7.00 or 9.00pm As you enter the we will tick your names off our list of those who have paid to attend. If you did not get your ticket, collect it from the Student Office.. The head students and other leaders are working hard to make this a fun evening. Enjoy.

All Library Closed P4, Break 2 & P5 Wednesday LIB
  The library will be closed period 4 onwards today to host the orchestra from Burnside School.

All Photos SHR
  Remember to order your school photos before 6 Oct to be included with the free shipping. This includes individual, form class, large group and graduation photos.

All Secondary Schools MtnBiking Nationals JCT
  Could all students entered in the Secondary Schools Mountain Biking Nationals in Christchurch during the holidays, PLEASE come for a very quick meeting on TODAY Break 1, in R18. Lollies!

All Year 13 Graduation Dinner LBN
  Tickets for the Year 13 Graduation dinner are now on sale at the Finance Office for $105. When paying, make sure to pick your meal option for the night and specify if you have any dietary requirements (eg: gluten free or vegetarian). Thanks!
Get your tickets soon!

General Chance for cultural exchange TRE
  If you are interested in being a "pen pal" with a student in Osaka, Japan sign up in J1 at break 1 today. You can message the student in English if you don't know Japanese. A cool chance to chat about hobbies and learn about teenage life in another country.

General Debating INW
  Debating will be on Wednesdays Break 2 in R16. All welcome.

General Debating INW
  Debating will be on Wednesdays Break 2 in R16. All welcome.

General Kapa Haka: Practice in M3 This Morning STT
  Kapa haka practice is on this morning during Form Time and half way through period 1 in M3 today.

General Pasifika Celebration Night STT
  The Pasifika Celebration Night is TONIGHT If you are interested in celebrating the diverse Pasifika cultures by eating good food, watching awesome performances and spending time with friends and family, you need to email to let them know you're going. Limited spaces so get in quick! Gold coin entry.

General Yr 10 Sports Education CPD
  Yr 10 students. You can come to school in your sports uniforms and PE gear Today for the Sports Education Tournament day. Please make your way to the dome as quick as possible after break 1 Wednesday. A roll will be taken here so you do not go to your period 3 class.

Music & Performing Arts Itinerant music lessons TGI
  Juniors - ever wondered about playing a musical instrument? Here's your chance! Once our seniors leave there will be spaces for all of our instruments so if you are interested in learning please see Mrs Gibbs s in M Block to sign up and for more information.

Music & Performing Arts Karaoke this Friday! TGI
  Karaoke will be happening this Friday Break 2 in the School Hall. Come along and join in the fun. If you wish to take part there is a sign-up sheet in M1. See you all on Friday!

Seniors Year 11 Writing Exam Catch Ups BLT
  Any students with JUSTIFIED absences from the English 1.3 Writing exam, please go to R9 at lunch to catch up on time missed. Catch ups are only available at lunch this week, so make the most of the time to catch up.

Sport NZ Athletics THE
  If you'd like to enter NZ Secondary Schools Athletics, please sign up at the Sports Office

Sport Senior Boys volleyball trial KTW
  These will be held in the new gym Weds 3.30-5pm. Please let Mr Redpath know if you cannot be there.

Sport Sport Sign Ups THE
  Sign up now for Rugby 7's, Road Cycling, Junior Cricket, Junior Tennis & Junior Touch, Junior Ki o Rahi.

Sport Volleyball Teams THE
  Anyone wanting to create their own Volleyball team, these forms need to be back to the Sports Office by Thursday at the latest.